2022-23 Grantham Scholar of the year

2023-10-20 (Friday)
Category : 2022-23 Grantham Scholar
衷心恭賀校友楊旗成在眾多候選人中脫穎而出,獲選為2022-23年度葛量洪傑出學生,以嘉許其優秀的學業成績、卓越的課外活動表現以及積極向上的態度。全港每年只有24名學生獲頒發獲頒此項殊榮。 Heartfelt congratulations to our distinguished graduate Yeung Kei Shing, who was named 2022-23 Grantham Scholar of the Year in recognition of his stellar HKDSE Examination results, outstanding performance in extra-curricular activities and community services as well as his good character. He was one of the 24 students across the territory to receive this honour

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2022-23年度葛量洪傑出學生2022-23 Grantham Scholar2022-23年度葛量洪傑出學生2022-23 Grantham Scholar
Kwun Tong Government Secondary School
Address: 9 Shun Chi Street, Shun Lee Estate, Kowloon.
Tel: 23436220
Fax: 23044671
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