
2023-10-24 To 2024-12-24
Category : School Activities¦Non-academic Performance
衷心恭賀5A白晨曦及5A夏俊偉榮獲觀塘區優秀學生獎勵計劃的得獎者。 Sincere congratulations to 5A Bai Sen Hei and 5A Ha Chun Wai, who were awarded prizes in the Kwun Tong District Outstanding Students Award Scheme.
Sincere congratulations to 5A Bai Sen Hei and 5A Ha Chun Wai, who were awarded prizes in the Kwun Tong District Outstanding Students Award Scheme.
Kwun Tong Government Secondary School
Address: 9 Shun Chi Street, Shun Lee Estate, Kowloon.
Tel: 23436220
Fax: 23044671
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