Past News


In recent months, there have been frequent reports of scammers claiming to represent Kwun Tong Government Secondary School to ask for quotations or place orders for services or goods from organizations or companies. Our school's procurement procedures are carried out in accordance with the requirements of government departments. If you have any questions, please contact the school.


2023-12-20Ng Teng Fong Scholarship 2023
Congratulations to 5A Li Miaoqing for being awarded the Ng
衷心恭賀5A白晨曦及5A夏俊偉榮獲觀塘區優秀學生獎勵計劃的得獎者。 Sincere congratulations to 5A Bai Sen Hei and 5A Ha Chun Wai, who were awarded prizes in the Kwun Tong District Outstanding Students Award Scheme.
2023-10-202022-23 Grantham Scholar of the year
衷心恭賀校友楊旗成在眾多候選人中脫穎而出,獲選為2022-23年度葛量洪傑出學生,以嘉許其優秀的學業成績、卓越的課外活動表現以及積極向上的態度。全港每年只有24名學生獲頒發獲頒此項殊榮。 Heartfelt congratulations to our distinguished graduate Yeung Kei Shing, who was named 2022-23 Grantham Scholar of the Year in recognition of his stellar HKDSE Examination results, outstanding performance in extra-curricular activities and community services as well as his good character. He was one of the 24 students across the territory to receive this honour
Kwun Tong Government Secondary School
Address: 9 Shun Chi Street, Shun Lee Estate, Kowloon.
Tel: 23436220
Fax: 23044671
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